Gratitude 60 - Years Strong
We are proud to announce that 2020 is our 60th anniversary of providing programs for individuals with special needs in Alberta! It is however a bitter sweet celebration as we find ourselves without our traditional summer camp programs running as they have for the past 60 summer seasons. In the midst of the organizational struggles with lost revenue and the disappointment of supporting Albertans with special needs we have been forced to look at the circumstances facing us with fresh glasses. #Gratitude60 #CampHeHoHa #60YearsStrong
We choose gratitude. Gratitude for the wonderful community of campers that have shared how important Camp He Ho Ha is to them and their families. Gratitude for the kind words of support and well wishes that the organization will prevail. Gratitude for the beautiful facility that still exists and patiently waits for the return of the hundreds of campers that call camp home. Gratitude for the individuals and business owners that find the strength to financially give during the uncertainty of the situation. The list is endless........ what are you grateful for today?

Join the campaign HERE
to continue the legacy of making dreams come true for people with special needs #60YearsStrong
As the Covid-19 has quickly taught us it's so important for all of us to have the ability to enjoy social time. A quick escape or holiday to have fun, laugh and be FREE is essential to our well-being. Our brains and our hearts need it.
Camp He Ho Ha provides this opportunity to over 725 individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities each summer in an all inclusive summer overnight camp. A much needed opportunity to be social and get away from the regular routine.
For the many barriers that face people with disabilities each day, at Camp He Ho Ha the barriers do not exist. All of the care and adaptions that may be required for a person with a disability are provided by the Camp He Ho Ha facility and the 34 post-secondary summer students that offer full assistance (adapting, bathing, toileting, feeding, etc), unconditional acceptance, and love to every camper that attends.

The age of the campers ranges from 6 - 106 as fun knows no age limit. More often than not, Camp He Ho Ha gets to give the campers many firsts; first canoe rides, first climb on a climbing wall, first night in a tent, and most importantly; first time that they feel they belong. An escape from judgement for 6 marvelous days.
While the camp is in progress this also gives the parents and caregivers a much needed rest. As you may understand the level of care that people with disabilities require for daily living.
Camp He Ho Ha has been delivering inclusive summer camp experiences to people with special needs for 60 years and we will carry our passion for providing this joy for the next 60 years.

Together with your participation and donation to the #Gratitude60, we can build the future of Camp He Ho Ha and ensure that we will continue to give people with disabilities the experience(s) of a lifetime.
Absolutely barrier free.
Join Us HERE